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Permanent Green Light (No. 215)

£13.70£518.79 tax incl.


Inorganic & Organic – Permanent or “Victoria” Green was the generic name given by 19th century English manufacturers to a mid-green, slightly bluish in undertones, made from a variety of blends. My own formula combines Arylide Yellow and Yellow Shade Phthalo Green to give a very rich, earthy hue in Titanium Whites. Much stronger than Terre Verte, it sometimes fulfils the same role in providing reflex tones for portraiture and figure painting.

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Colour Index PY3, PG36, PW6
Drying Average
Transparency Opaque
Lightfastness Excellent
Oil Content Low
Tint Power Average
Toxicity Non-Toxic
ASTM D-4236  yes

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